4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Fisher Pink Azalea
Azalea 'Fisher Pink'

Spreading, evergreen azalea. Dark green, hairy leaves. Excellent shady border, low hedge or accent plant.
Spacing : 4' To 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, evergreen azalea
Item Usage : Excellent shady border, low hedge or accent plant
Leaf Description : Dark green, hairy leaves
Blooms In : Mid Spring

Mint Julep Oriental Pompon
Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep'

Compact, arching evergreen shrub. Blue green foilage. Excellent trained topiary, specimen plant.
Spacing : 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, arching evergreen shrub
Seasonal : Evergreen
Item Usage : Excellent trained topiary, specimen plant
Fruit Info : Small silvery blue berry
Tree Bark : Smooth grey - becoming rougher over time
Leaf Description : Blue green foilage
Attraction : Compact size takes well to pruning

Cam X Twilight Glow
Camellia x 'Twilight Glow'

Medium bushy form. Dark green, thick foliage. Attractive accent, specimen plant.
Spacing : 6-10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Medium bushy form
Item Usage : Attractive accent, specimen plant
Leaf Description : Dark green, thick foliage
Blooms In : Fall

Hosta Ginsu Knife
Hosta 'Ginsu Knife'

Mounding perennial. Arching, undulating blue-green w/irregular creamy wht margin. Great shady border, woodland garden plant.
Spacing : 2-3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mounding perennial
Item Usage : Great shady border, woodland garden plant
Leaf Description : Arching, undulating blue-green w/irregular creamy wht margin
Blooms In : Summer

Vinca / Ralph Shugert Varieg.
Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugert'

Spreading groundcover. Glossy, dark green leaves with creamy white margins. Good groundcover, woodland garden, bank plant.
Spacing : 24-36" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading groundcover
Item Usage : Good groundcover, woodland garden, bank plant
Leaf Description : Glossy, dark green leaves with creamy white margins
Blooms In : Late spring - Early summer

Helleri Holly
Ilex crenata 'Helleri'

Low spreading, dwarf mounding evergreen shrub. Dark green leaves. Attractive low border or container specimen.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Low spreading, dwarf mounding evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive low border or container specimen
Leaf Description : Dark green leaves

Buddleia White Profusion
Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion'

Wide-spreading, deciduous shrub. Deep green foliage. Attractive hedge, accent plant.
Spacing : 5' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Wide-spreading, deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, accent plant
Leaf Description : Deep green foliage
Attraction : Butterflies, Bees
Blooms In : Summer thru Fall

Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichum

Pyramidal, broad deciduous tree. Bright-green feathery foliage. Attractive shade, woodland garden tree.
Spacing : 50' Apart
Water Use : Keep moist
Form : Pyramidal, broad deciduous tree
Seasonal : Orange-brown fall foliage
Item Usage : Attractive shade, woodland garden tree
Tree Bark : Fibrous, reddish-brown to gray bark
Leaf Description : Bright-green feathery foliage

Oleander Red
Nerium oleander

Tall, spreading flowering shrub. Thick, glossy dark greeen foliage. Attractive hedge, border or accent plant.
Spacing : 8' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Tall, spreading flowering shrub
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, border or accent plant
Fruit Info : Long, bean-like seed pods
Leaf Description : Thick, glossy dark greeen foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Encore Az. Embers - Red
Azalea Encore 'Autumn Embers'

Compact evergreen azalea. Dark green, hairy foliage. Border, hedge, foundation, accent, massing, containers.
Spacing : 3-4' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact evergreen azalea
Item Usage : Border, hedge, foundation, accent, massing, containers
Leaf Description : Dark green, hairy foliage
Blooms In : Spring, then again in summer, then fall

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