4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Pentas Butterfly White
Pentas lanceolata 'Butterfly White'

Woody-based, evergreen perennial grown as annual. Mid-green, textured foliage. Great bedding, border, massing, container plant.
Spacing : 2-3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Woody-based, evergreen perennial grown as annual
Item Usage : Great bedding, border, massing, container plant
Leaf Description : Mid-green, textured foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Cyperus papyrus
Cyperus papyrus

Clump-forming perennial. . Grow at the margins of a pond or bog garden, containers.
Spacing : 2-4' Apart
Water Use : Keep moist / Needs High Humidity
Form : Clump-forming perennial
Item Usage : Grow at the margins of a pond or bog garden, containers
Blooms In : Summer

Mandevilla Assorted
Mandevilla Assorted

Woody shrubby evergreen vine. Leathery dark green leaves. Attractive trellis, espalier or hanging basket plant.
Spacing : 5' To 8' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Woody shrubby evergreen vine
Item Usage : Attractive trellis, espalier or hanging basket plant
Leaf Description : Leathery dark green leaves
Blooms In : Summer

Rosa Drift Red
Rosa 'Meigalpio'

Low, creeping form. Small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage. Excellent small garden, groundcover, container plant.
Spacing : 2-3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Low, creeping form
Item Usage : Excellent small garden, groundcover, container plant
Leaf Description : Small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage
Attraction : Very disease resistant
Blooms In : Spring - Frost

Vib Pragense
Viburnum x pragense

Spreading, evergreen shrub. Elliptical, corrugated leaves. Hedge or massing plant.
Spacing : 5' To 8' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Hedge or massing plant
Leaf Description : Elliptical, corrugated leaves
Blooms In : May

Leptinella Platt's Black Yllw
Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black'

Mat-forming groundcover. Small fern-like purple-grey foliage. Use as groundcover, around walkways,flagstone.
Spacing : 12" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mat-forming groundcover
Item Usage : Use as groundcover, around walkways,flagstone
Leaf Description : Small fern-like purple-grey foliage
Blooms In : Spring-Summer

Heucherella Golden Zebra
Heucherella x 'Golden Zebra'

Dense mounding form. Bright yellow, deeply cut foliage marked heavily in red. Good border, mixed bed, container plant.
Spacing : 2' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dense mounding form
Item Usage : Good border, mixed bed, container plant
Leaf Description : Bright yellow, deeply cut foliage marked heavily in red
Blooms In : Spring

Cm Siren Red
Lagerstroemia indica 'Siren Red'

Upright form. Glossy, dark-green leaves - Crimson colored new growth. Attractive accent, specimen, screen, border plant.
Spacing : 20' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright form
Item Usage : Attractive accent, specimen, screen, border plant
Tree Bark : Exfoliating when mature
Leaf Description : Glossy, dark-green leaves - Crimson colored new growth
Attraction : High mildew resistance
Blooms In : Summer - Fall

Cryptomeria Black Dragon
Cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon'

Wide, pyramidal form. Dark green needle-like foliage. Good small garden accent, speciman plant.
Spacing : 10-15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Wide, pyramidal form
Item Usage : Good small garden accent, speciman plant
Leaf Description : Dark green needle-like foliage

Grass Miscanthus Morning Light
Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'

Erect, clump forming perennial grass. Thin gray-green blades with white margins. Attractive accent, border or container plant.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Erect, clump forming perennial grass
Item Usage : Attractive accent, border or container plant
Leaf Description : Thin gray-green blades with white margins
Attraction : Cut/dried flower, Salt tolerant
Blooms In : October

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