4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Hetzi Columnaris Spiral
Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii Columnaris'

Dense, tightly branched, columnar evergreen tree. Bright-green sharply pointed needle-like foliage. Attractive accent, specimen or trained topiary plant.
Spacing : 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dense, tightly branched, columnar evergreen tree
Item Usage : Attractive accent, specimen or trained topiary plant
Leaf Description : Bright-green sharply pointed needle-like foliage

Buddleia Buzz Ivory
Buddleia x 'Buzz Ivory'

Mounded. Narrow green lanceolate leaves. Massing,patios,containers,attracts butterflies&hummingbirds.
Spacing : 2'-3' Apart
Water Use : Moderate - drought tolerant once established
Form : Mounded
Seasonal : Dwarf shrub blooms freely all summer
Item Usage : Massing,patios,containers,attracts butterflies&hummingbirds
Leaf Description : Narrow green lanceolate leaves
Attraction : Dwarf size,fragrant blooms all summer,attracts wildlife
Blooms In : Summer

Echinacea Kim's Knee High
Echinacea Kim's Knee High

Erect, clumping-form. Lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Good border, small garden perennial.
Spacing : 18-24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Erect, clumping-form
Item Usage : Good border, small garden perennial
Leaf Description : Lance-shaped, mid-green leaves
Attraction : Butterflies, cut-flower
Blooms In : Summer

Euo. Moonshadow
Euonymus fortunei 'Moonshadow'

Compact evrgreen shrub. Bright yellow central leaf variegation with green margins. Excellent accent, border or foundation plant.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact evrgreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent accent, border or foundation plant
Leaf Description : Bright yellow central leaf variegation with green margins

Itea Henry's Garnet
Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet'

Upright growing flowering shrub. Finely toothed, dark green leaves. Attractive border, accent or container plant.
Spacing : 4' To 8' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright growing flowering shrub
Seasonal : Brilliant red-purple fall foliage
Item Usage : Attractive border, accent or container plant
Leaf Description : Finely toothed, dark green leaves
Blooms In : Summer

Hosta June / Lavender
Hosta 'June'

Clump-forming, mounding perennial. Heart-shaped blue-gray leaves with yellow-green centers. Attractive container, shady border or accent plant.
Spacing : 18" To 24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clump-forming, mounding perennial
Item Usage : Attractive container, shady border or accent plant
Leaf Description : Heart-shaped blue-gray leaves with yellow-green centers
Blooms In : Summer

Penstemon Wine Red
Penstemon 'Wine Red'

Clump forming perennial. Green leaf with pink bloom. Drought resistant.
Spacing : 36" apart
Water Use : Moderate water use
Form : Clump forming perennial
Item Usage : Drought resistant
Leaf Description : Green leaf with pink bloom
Attraction : Lower water use
Blooms In : Spring

Gardenia Chuck Hayes
Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes'

Compact, rounded evergreen shrub. Glossy, deep green foliage. Excellent shrub border, specimen plant.
Spacing : 4' To 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, rounded evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent shrub border, specimen plant
Leaf Description : Glossy, deep green foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Pansy Mix Cotton Candy Delta
Viola x wittrockiana 'Delta Cotton Candy'

Compact, mounding, flowering perennial grown as annual. Heart-shaped, shiny, deep green leaves. Attractive bedding, border, container or massing plant.
Spacing : 12" To 15" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, mounding, flowering perennial grown as annual
Item Usage : Attractive bedding, border, container or massing plant
Leaf Description : Heart-shaped, shiny, deep green leaves
Blooms In : Late Fall thru early Spring

Maple Waterfall Green Laceleaf
Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall'

Mounding, cascading form. Deeply cut, semi-pendent, lacy green foliage. Attractive small garden specimen, container tree.
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mounding, cascading form
Item Usage : Attractive small garden specimen, container tree
Leaf Description : Deeply cut, semi-pendent, lacy green foliage

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