4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Rudbeckia Goldsturm Yellow
Rudbeckia ful. Goldsturm

Clump-forming, flowering perennial. Dark green, deeply cut, hairy foliage. Attractive in back of borders, massed or woodland garden.
Spacing : 18" To 24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clump-forming, flowering perennial
Item Usage : Attractive in back of borders, massed or woodland garden
Leaf Description : Dark green, deeply cut, hairy foliage
Attraction : Cut/dried flower
Blooms In : Late Summer thru mid-Fall

Cactus Prickly Pear
Opuntia humifusa

Prostrate spreading form. Oblong, flattened green pads have bristles and thorns. Good rock garden, accent plant.
Spacing : 4-6' Apart
Water Use : Low water use
Form : Prostrate spreading form
Item Usage : Good rock garden, accent plant
Fruit Info : Egg-shaped, edible fruit
Leaf Description : Oblong, flattened green pads have bristles and thorns
Blooms In : Late spring - Early summer

Veronica Red Fox
Veronica sp. Red Fox

Tufted, upright perennial. Glossy, toothed dark green foliage. Attractive border or rock garden plant.
Spacing : 18" To 24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Tufted, upright perennial
Item Usage : Attractive border or rock garden plant
Leaf Description : Glossy, toothed dark green foliage
Blooms In : Early to late Summer

Mint Julep Juniper Spiral
Juniperus chinensis 'Mint Julep'

Compact, arching evergreen shrub. Brilliant mint-green foliage. Excellent trained topiary, specimen plant.
Spacing : 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, arching evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent trained topiary, specimen plant
Leaf Description : Brilliant mint-green foliage

Begonia Dragon Wing Red
Begonia x Dragon Wing Red

Vigorous, dense flowering annual. Large, dark green, leathery angel-wing shaped foliage. Good bedding, border, container plant.
Spacing : 12-15" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Vigorous, dense flowering annual
Item Usage : Good bedding, border, container plant
Leaf Description : Large, dark green, leathery angel-wing shaped foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Clem. Comtesse De Bouchard/Pnk
Clematis 'Comtesse De Bouchaud'

Free-flowering, strong deciduous vine. Ovate, smooth dark green leaves. Attractive on trellis, wall, fence or gazebo.
Spacing : 4' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Free-flowering, strong deciduous vine
Item Usage : Attractive on trellis, wall, fence or gazebo
Leaf Description : Ovate, smooth dark green leaves
Blooms In : July through September / Blooms on new growth

Delosperma Nub. Yellow
Delosperma nubigenum

Spreading, succulent perennial. Succulent light-green foliage. Attractive groundcover or container plant.
Spacing : 12" To 18" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, succulent perennial
Item Usage : Attractive groundcover or container plant
Leaf Description : Succulent light-green foliage
Blooms In : June - September

Heuchera Georgia Peach
Heuchera x 'Georgia Peach'

Mounding form. Large peachy-orange foliage. Great for mixed beds, borders, woodland, shady gardens.
Spacing : 2-3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mounding form
Item Usage : Great for mixed beds, borders, woodland, shady gardens
Leaf Description : Large peachy-orange foliage
Blooms In : Spring

Hyd. Querc / Snow Queen
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen'

Upright, mounded, flowering deciduous shrub. . Attractive hedge, border or container plant.
Spacing : 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, mounded, flowering deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, border or container plant
Tree Bark : Mid-green, deeply lobed foliage
Blooms In : May - July

Elm Camperdown Weeping
Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii'

Upright weeping form. Broad, course dark green foliage. Good specimen tree.
Spacing : 20 - 30' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright weeping form
Item Usage : Good specimen tree
Leaf Description : Broad, course dark green foliage

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