4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Iris Sib. Caesar's Brother
Iris siberica 'Caesar's Brother'

Clumping form. Slender, grass-like blades. Attractive border, bedding plant.
Spacing : 10-24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clumping form
Item Usage : Attractive border, bedding plant
Leaf Description : Slender, grass-like blades
Attraction : Cut flower
Blooms In : June

Cam X Northern Exposure
Camellia x 'Northern Exposure'

Medium upright habit. Dark green leathery leaves. Attractive hedge, screen or border plant.
Spacing : 4' To 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Medium upright habit
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, screen or border plant
Leaf Description : Dark green leathery leaves
Blooms In : Fall

Arborvitae Steeplechase
Thuja x 'Steeplechase'

Pyramidal, upright conifer. Dark green, dense, aromatic foliage. Good specimen, hedge plant.
Spacing : At least 12'Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Pyramidal, upright conifer
Item Usage : Good specimen, hedge plant
Leaf Description : Dark green, dense, aromatic foliage
Attraction : Tighter growing than Green Giant

Clematis Assorted
Clematis Assorted Varieties

Free-flowering, strong deciduous vine. Ovate, smooth dark green leaves. Attractive on trellis, wall, fence or gazebo.
Spacing : 4' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Free-flowering, strong deciduous vine
Item Usage : Attractive on trellis, wall, fence or gazebo
Leaf Description : Ovate, smooth dark green leaves
Blooms In : July through September

Chionanthus Spring Fleecing
Chionanthus virginicus 'Spring Fleecing'

Upright form. Glossy, dark-green lustrous foliage. Attractive accent or patio specimen.
Spacing : 8' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright form
Seasonal : Yellow fall foliage
Item Usage : Attractive accent or patio specimen
Fruit Info : Small, blue-black fruit in summer
Leaf Description : Glossy, dark-green lustrous foliage
Blooms In : Spring

Delosperma Osberg White
Delosperma 'Osberg'

Spreading, succulent perennial. Succulent light-green foliage. Attractive groundcover or container plant.
Spacing : 12" To 18" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, succulent perennial
Item Usage : Attractive groundcover or container plant
Leaf Description : Succulent light-green foliage
Blooms In : June - September

Rhododendron Yaku Princess
Rhododendron 'Yaku Princess'

Compact, dense, low-growing evergreen shrub. Narrowly-elliptic, olive-green leaves, beige-wooly beneath. Attractive shady garden, informal low hedge, accent plant.
Spacing : 4-6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, dense, low-growing evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive shady garden, informal low hedge, accent plant
Leaf Description : Narrowly-elliptic, olive-green leaves, beige-wooly beneath
Blooms In : Mid-Spring

Yaupon Holly Tree Form
Ilex vomitoria

Upright, irregularly branched, evergreen shrub. Oval, narrow dark green leaves. Excellent hedge, screen, seashore plant.
Spacing : 12' To 15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, irregularly branched, evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent hedge, screen, seashore plant
Fruit Info : Small, scarlet-red berries
Tree Bark : White-to-gray bark
Leaf Description : Oval, narrow dark green leaves
Attraction : Salt tolerant

Verticillata / Berry Nice
Ilex verticillata 'Berry Nice'

Upright, spreading deciduous shrub. Mid-green, toothed foliage. Good for wet areas, near pond or stream, naturalizing.
Spacing : 4-6' Apart
Water Use : Moderate water use
Form : Upright, spreading deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Good for wet areas, near pond or stream, naturalizing
Fruit Info : Heavy producer of bright red berries
Leaf Description : Mid-green, toothed foliage
Attraction : Birds
Blooms In : Summer

Rosa - Assorted Roses
Rosa hybrids

Semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub. Mid-green, toothed leaves. Attractive specimen, shrub border, on walls, fences trellis.
Spacing : Depends on variety
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Semi-evergreen or deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Attractive specimen, shrub border, on walls, fences trellis
Leaf Description : Mid-green, toothed leaves
Blooms In : Early Summer through Fall

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