4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Rudbeckia Indian Summer Yl
Rudbeckia hir. Indn Summer

Upright, clumping perennial. Dark green, hairy, lance-shaped foliage. Attractive in back of borders, massed or woodland garden.
Spacing : 18" To 24" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, clumping perennial
Item Usage : Attractive in back of borders, massed or woodland garden
Leaf Description : Dark green, hairy, lance-shaped foliage
Attraction : Cut/dried flower
Blooms In : Summer thru early Fall

Hyd. Mac / Ayesha
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha'

Rounded, deciduous shrub. Broad, coarsly toothed dark green leaves. Attractive border, specimen, group plantings.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Rounded, deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Attractive border, specimen, group plantings
Leaf Description : Broad, coarsly toothed dark green leaves
Attraction : Cut / Dried flower
Blooms In : Mid and late Summer

Magnolia Sweetbay Moonglow
Magnolia virginiana 'Jim Wilson' (Moonglow)

Spreading, semi-evergreen shrub / small tree. Oval green foliage with silvery undersides. Attractive screen or accent plant.
Spacing : 15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, semi-evergreen shrub / small tree
Seasonal : Semi evergreen
Item Usage : Attractive screen or accent plant
Fruit Info : Contorted seed pod - good food source for birds
Tree Bark : Silvery gray bark
Leaf Description : Oval green foliage with silvery undersides
Attraction : Salt tolerant, deer resistant
Blooms In : Early Summer to early Fall

Spruce Blue Fat Albert
Picea pungens 'Fat Albert'

Broad, conical form. Silvery-blue, stiff needles. Excellent lawn specimen, accent tree.
Spacing : 20' to 30' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Broad, conical form
Item Usage : Excellent lawn specimen, accent tree
Fruit Info : Pale brown, scaly cones
Leaf Description : Silvery-blue, stiff needles

Pine Austrian
Pinus nigra

Domed, dense, spreading evergreen tree. Dense, straight, rigid dark green leaves. Good specimen, shelter, windbreaking tree.
Spacing : 25-35' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Domed, dense, spreading evergreen tree
Item Usage : Good specimen, shelter, windbreaking tree
Fruit Info : Long, ovoid yellow brown cones
Tree Bark : Plate-like dark brown to black bark
Leaf Description : Dense, straight, rigid dark green leaves

Maple - Autumn Blaze
Acer rubrum 'Autumn Blaze'

Oval to round deciduous tree. Three to five lobed shiny green foliage. Shade or specimen tree.
Spacing : 25' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Oval to round deciduous tree
Seasonal : Brilliant-red Fall foliage
Item Usage : Shade or specimen tree
Fruit Info : Red winged fruit in late Spring
Leaf Description : Three to five lobed shiny green foliage
Blooms In : Early Spring

Bamboo Golden Goddess Clumping
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess'

Clump-forming; arching branches; Non-Invasive. Linear, dark green; arching branches. Good container or screen plant; can be maintained at 8' Tall.
Spacing : 10' Apart
Water Use : Keep moist
Form : Clump-forming; arching branches; Non-Invasive
Item Usage : Good container or screen plant; can be maintained at 8' Tall
Leaf Description : Linear, dark green; arching branches
Attraction : Deer resistant, drought tolerant, windbreak

Pistia Stratiotes
Pistia stratiotes Shell Flower - Water Lettuce

Evergreen floating aquatic perennial. Upright, wedge-shaped glaucous-green leaves. Excellent pond, aquarium plant.
Water Use : Heavy
Form : Evergreen floating aquatic perennial
Item Usage : Excellent pond, aquarium plant
Leaf Description : Upright, wedge-shaped glaucous-green leaves
Blooms In : Throughout the year

Rosemary Prostratus Blue
Rosemarinus officinalis 'Prostratus'

Shrubby groundover. Leathery dark green aromatic foliage. Use as groundcover, trailing over walls.
Spacing : 6-8' Apart
Water Use : Moderate to low
Form : Shrubby groundover
Item Usage : Use as groundcover, trailing over walls
Leaf Description : Leathery dark green aromatic foliage
Blooms In : Early to mid summer

Imp. NG Celebrette Apple Bloss
Impatiens x hawkeri 'Celebrette Apple Blossom'

Compact, mounding perennial grown as an annual. Lance-shaped, bronzy-green toothed foliage. Excellent woodland garden, container, patio plant.
Spacing : 18" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, mounding perennial grown as an annual
Item Usage : Excellent woodland garden, container, patio plant
Leaf Description : Lance-shaped, bronzy-green toothed foliage
Blooms In : Summer through Fall

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