4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Steed's Upright Holly
Ilex crenata 'Steeds'

Upright, pryamidal evergreen shrub. Small dark green, glossy foliage. Attracive accent, hedge or foundation plant.
Spacing : 4' To 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, pryamidal evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attracive accent, hedge or foundation plant
Leaf Description : Small dark green, glossy foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Fatshedera Annemieke Var.
Fatshedra lizei 'Annemieke'

Spreading, loosely branched evergreen shrub. Palmate, leathery dark green w/creamy yellow centers. Trained against a wall, trellis or fence.
Spacing : 8' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, loosely branched evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Trained against a wall, trellis or fence
Leaf Description : Palmate, leathery dark green w/creamy yellow centers
Blooms In : Fall

Cornuta Rotunda Holly
Ilex cornuta 'Rotunda'

Dwarf, mounding, evergreen shrub. Glossy, spiny, dark-green foliage. Attractive hedge or foundation plant.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dwarf, mounding, evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive hedge or foundation plant
Fruit Info : Red berries
Leaf Description : Glossy, spiny, dark-green foliage

Fern Cyrtomium Holly
Cyrtomium falcatum

Clump-forming, mounding fern. Large, dark green glossy leaflets resemble holly leaves. Attractive groundcover or accent plant.
Spacing : 2' To 3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clump-forming, mounding fern
Item Usage : Attractive groundcover or accent plant
Leaf Description : Large, dark green glossy leaflets resemble holly leaves

Skyrocket Juniper Spiral
Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'

Narrow, columnar growing evergreen shrub. Glaucous, gray-green foliage. Attractive vertical accent or entryway specimen, topiary.
Spacing : 6' Apart
Water Use : Drought tolerant
Form : Narrow, columnar growing evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive vertical accent or entryway specimen, topiary
Leaf Description : Glaucous, gray-green foliage

Haw. Snow White
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White'

Compact, mounding evergreen shrub. Leathery foliage matures dark green. Attractive hedge, accent or foundation plant.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, mounding evergreen shrub
Seasonal : Reddish foliage in winter
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, accent or foundation plant
Fruit Info : Blue-black fruit
Leaf Description : Leathery foliage matures dark green
Attraction : Salt tolerant
Blooms In : Spring

Loropetalum Zhuzhou Standard
Loropetalum chin. Zhuzhou

Mounding, arching, evergreen shrub. Rounded blackish-maroon foliage. Attractive accent, screen or hedge plant.
Spacing : 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mounding, arching, evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive accent, screen or hedge plant
Leaf Description : Rounded blackish-maroon foliage
Blooms In : Spring - Fall

Oak Willow Park Grade
Quercus phellos

Spreading, pyramidal deciduous tree. Long, narrow willow-like, mid-green leaves. Attractive shade, lawn or specimen tree.
Spacing : 45' to 65' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, pyramidal deciduous tree
Seasonal : Dull yellow fall foliage
Item Usage : Attractive shade, lawn or specimen tree
Fruit Info : Acorns
Tree Bark : Smooth gray bark
Leaf Description : Long, narrow willow-like, mid-green leaves

Persimmon Japanese
Diospyros kaki

Deciduous tree. Dark blue-green glossy foliage. Mainly cultivated for its fruit.
Spacing : 40-60' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Deciduous tree
Item Usage : Mainly cultivated for its fruit
Fruit Info : Rounded, light orange to dark orange-red edible fruit
Leaf Description : Dark blue-green glossy foliage
Blooms In : March

Oak White
Quercus alba

Spreading deciduous tree. Oblong, deeply lobed bright-green leaves. Excellent specimen tree.
Spacing : 60' To 80' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading deciduous tree
Seasonal : Purple-red fall foliage
Item Usage : Excellent specimen tree
Fruit Info : Ovoid, oblong solitary acorns
Tree Bark : Peeling pale gray to brown bark
Leaf Description : Oblong, deeply lobed bright-green leaves

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