4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Sedum Angelina
Sedum repestre Angelina

. Needle-like, succulent golden-yellow foliage. Good groundcover, rock garden plant.
Spacing : 18-24" Apart
Water Use : Low water use
Item Usage : Good groundcover, rock garden plant
Leaf Description : Needle-like, succulent golden-yellow foliage
Blooms In : Mid-Summer

Haw. Calisto
Rhaphiolepis x 'Calisto'

Dense, compact form. Lustrous, deep green, thick foliage. Good border, bedding, container plant.
Spacing : 4-6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dense, compact form
Seasonal : Burgundy winter foliage
Item Usage : Good border, bedding, container plant
Leaf Description : Lustrous, deep green, thick foliage
Blooms In : Spring

Nelumbo Nucifera Assorted
Nelumbo nucifera

Upright leaves and flowers held high above water. Handsome,horizontally held,peltate,waxy-bloomed.almost. Excellent specimen,massing in large araes.
Spacing : Rhizomatous
Water Use : When established,16-24" or 6-9" above pot with smaller
Form : Upright leaves and flowers held high above water
Seasonal : Develop distinctive flat-topped seed pods-dry for arranging
Item Usage : Excellent specimen,massing in large araes
Leaf Description : Handsome,horizontally held,peltate,waxy-bloomed.almost
Attraction : circular
Blooms In : Summer

Fashion Pink Azalea
Azalea G.D. Fashion

Erect spreading evergreen azalea. Dark green foliage. Attractive mass planting, hedge or accent plant.
Spacing : 3' to 5' Apart
Water Use : Keep moist
Form : Erect spreading evergreen azalea
Item Usage : Attractive mass planting, hedge or accent plant
Leaf Description : Dark green foliage
Blooms In : Late March

Haw. Snow White
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Snow White'

Compact, mounding evergreen shrub. Leathery foliage matures dark green. Attractive hedge, accent or foundation plant.
Spacing : 3' To 5' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, mounding evergreen shrub
Seasonal : Reddish foliage in winter
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, accent or foundation plant
Fruit Info : Blue-black fruit
Leaf Description : Leathery foliage matures dark green
Attraction : Salt tolerant
Blooms In : Spring

Crabapple Prariefire
Malus 'Prairie Fire'

Upright spreading, rounded, ornamental flowering tree. Maroon foliage. Attractive accent, border or patio plant.
Spacing : 25' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright spreading, rounded, ornamental flowering tree
Item Usage : Attractive accent, border or patio plant
Fruit Info : Dark red fruit
Leaf Description : Maroon foliage
Blooms In : Spring

Green Leaf Holly Tree Form
Ilex opaca Greenleaf

Upright, pyramidal evergreen tree. Evergreen elliptic, dull-green spiny leaves. Attractive accent, screen or border.
Spacing : 35' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, pyramidal evergreen tree
Item Usage : Attractive accent, screen or border
Fruit Info : Crimson berries in fall
Leaf Description : Evergreen elliptic, dull-green spiny leaves

Cabbage Pink / Osaka
Brassica oleracea 'Osaka Pink'

Erect, branching perennial grown as annual. Rounded to fringed bright pink foliage. Excellent border, massing, display plant.
Spacing : 12-15" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Erect, branching perennial grown as annual
Seasonal : Color is enhanced by cool temperatures - Below 50 Deg. F
Item Usage : Excellent border, massing, display plant
Leaf Description : Rounded to fringed bright pink foliage

Fothergilla Gardenii Mt. Airy
Fothergilla gardenii x major 'Mount Airy'

Dense, bushy deciduous flowering shrub. Oval dark green leaves with toothed margins. Attractive woodland garden, shrub border plant.
Spacing : 3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dense, bushy deciduous flowering shrub
Seasonal : Bright red, orange and yellow fall color
Item Usage : Attractive woodland garden, shrub border plant
Leaf Description : Oval dark green leaves with toothed margins
Blooms In : Spring

Pyracantha Espalier Assorted
Pyracantha hybrids

Upright, dense evergreen shrub. Oval, dark green foliage. Attractive trained specimen or accent shrub.
Spacing : 10' To 15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright, dense evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Attractive trained specimen or accent shrub
Fruit Info : Long lasting, orange-red berries
Leaf Description : Oval, dark green foliage
Blooms In : Early Summer

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