4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Hosta Fire & Ice / Lavender
Hosta 'Fire & Ice'

Clumping, mounding perennial. Heart-shaped white leaves with very dark green margins. Attractive shady border, container or accent plant.
Spacing : 2' To 3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clumping, mounding perennial
Item Usage : Attractive shady border, container or accent plant
Leaf Description : Heart-shaped white leaves with very dark green margins
Blooms In : Summer

Canna Kreta Red / Green Leaf
Canna x generalis 'Kreta'

Upright form. Large, deep green tropical foliage. Great for use around water, ponds, good massing plant.
Spacing : 4' Apart
Water Use : Moderate water use
Form : Upright form
Item Usage : Great for use around water, ponds, good massing plant
Leaf Description : Large, deep green tropical foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Maple - Red Sunset
Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset'

Round-headed, open-crowned deciduous tree. Dark green glossy leaves. Excellent, shade, specimen or street tree.
Spacing : 30' To 40' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Round-headed, open-crowned deciduous tree
Seasonal : Bright orange-red to red Fall foliage
Item Usage : Excellent, shade, specimen or street tree
Fruit Info : Bright red winged fruit
Leaf Description : Dark green glossy leaves
Blooms In : Spring

Liriope Emerald Goddess
Liriope muscari 'Emerald Goddess'

Clumping grasslike perennial. Deep, emerald green grass-like pendulous blades. Attractive groundcover, edging or accent plant.
Spacing : 12" To 15" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Clumping grasslike perennial
Item Usage : Attractive groundcover, edging or accent plant
Fruit Info : Small, black rounded fruit
Leaf Description : Deep, emerald green grass-like pendulous blades
Blooms In : Mid-Summer to Fall

Sumac Tiger Eyes
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'

Dwarf, densely-branched large shrub/small tree. Bright, chartreuse-yellow, heavily-cut foliage. Good border, massing, container, small garden accent plant.
Spacing : 10-15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dwarf, densely-branched large shrub/small tree
Seasonal : Bright red, orange and yellow fall foliage
Item Usage : Good border, massing, container, small garden accent plant
Leaf Description : Bright, chartreuse-yellow, heavily-cut foliage
Attraction : Drought tolerant once established

Hinoki Cypress Dwarf Pom-Pom
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Gracilis'

Dwarf, dense pyramidal coniferous evergreen tree. Blunt, dark green fern-like foliage. Excellent specimen, accent or trained topiary plant.
Spacing : 5' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dwarf, dense pyramidal coniferous evergreen tree
Item Usage : Excellent specimen, accent or trained topiary plant
Fruit Info : Green female cones / Orange-brown male cones
Tree Bark : Soft, stringy bark
Leaf Description : Blunt, dark green fern-like foliage

Ajuga Burgundy Glow
Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow

Mat-forming groundcover. Dark green, burgundy & creamy white variegated foliage. Groundcover, massing plant.
Spacing : 1'- 2' Apart
Water Use : Low water use
Form : Mat-forming groundcover
Item Usage : Groundcover, massing plant
Leaf Description : Dark green, burgundy & creamy white variegated foliage
Blooms In : Late Spring - Early Summer

Grass Chasmanthium Sea Oats
Chasmanthium latifolium

Upright, native ornamental grass. Wide, lance-shaped mid-green leaf blades. Good for planting under light shade of trees, woodland gdn.
Water Use : Low water use
Form : Upright, native ornamental grass
Item Usage : Good for planting under light shade of trees, woodland gdn
Leaf Description : Wide, lance-shaped mid-green leaf blades
Blooms In : August - October

Imp. Super Elfin Hot Mix
Impatiens walleriana x Super Elfin 'Hot Mix'

Spreading, flowering annual. Lance-shaped, slightly toothed light green leaves. Attractive bedding, border or container plant.
Spacing : 12" To 18" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading, flowering annual
Item Usage : Attractive bedding, border or container plant
Leaf Description : Lance-shaped, slightly toothed light green leaves
Blooms In : Summer

Euo. Emerald & Gold
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n Gold'

Mounding, evergreen shrub. Rounded green foliage with gold margins. Excellent accent, foundation or border plant.
Spacing : 3' To 4' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Mounding, evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent accent, foundation or border plant
Leaf Description : Rounded green foliage with gold margins

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