4032 Mechanicsville Pike, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone : 804-781-0500
Monday-Saturday : 8 am- 5 pm

Plant Finder

Below, you will find a random sample of plants available from the nursery at Ed's Landscaping & Garden Center. Use the form above to select plants by specific criteria.

Dwarf Burford Holly
Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii Nana'

Dense, compact evergreen shrub. Dark green, glossy, spined leaves. Excellent foundation, low hedge plant.
Spacing : 6' To 8' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Dense, compact evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent foundation, low hedge plant
Fruit Info : Dark red berries
Leaf Description : Dark green, glossy, spined leaves
Blooms In : Summer

Oleander White
Nerium oleander

Tall, spreading flowering shrub. Thick, glossy dark green foliage. Attractive hedge, border or accent plant.
Spacing : 8' To 10' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Tall, spreading flowering shrub
Item Usage : Attractive hedge, border or accent plant
Fruit Info : Long, bean-like seed pods
Leaf Description : Thick, glossy dark green foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Dicentra King Of Hearts Rd
Dicentra 'King of Hearts'

Shady flowering perennial. Finely cut blue-green foliage. Attractive bedding, border or accent plant.
Spacing : 12" To 18" Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Shady flowering perennial
Item Usage : Attractive bedding, border or accent plant
Leaf Description : Finely cut blue-green foliage
Blooms In : Summer

Robusta Green Juniper Pompom
Juniperus chinensis 'Robusta Green'

Loose pyramidal evergreen shrub / small tree. Intense blue-green needle-like foliage. Attractive accent, screen or trained topiary plant.
Spacing : 10' To 15' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Loose pyramidal evergreen shrub / small tree
Item Usage : Attractive accent, screen or trained topiary plant
Tree Bark : Brown, peeling bark
Leaf Description : Intense blue-green needle-like foliage

Buddleia Petite Tutti Fruitti
Buddleia 'Podaras #13'

Mounding. Mid-green,lance shaped leaves. Containers,mass planting,borders.
Spacing : 24-48" apart
Water Use : Regular
Form : Mounding
Item Usage : Containers,mass planting,borders
Leaf Description : Mid-green,lance shaped leaves
Attraction : Butterflies and bees
Blooms In : Summer-Fall

Verticillata / Berry Nice
Ilex verticillata 'Berry Nice'

Upright, spreading deciduous shrub. Mid-green, toothed foliage. Good for wet areas, near pond or stream, naturalizing.
Spacing : 4-6' Apart
Water Use : Moderate water use
Form : Upright, spreading deciduous shrub
Item Usage : Good for wet areas, near pond or stream, naturalizing
Fruit Info : Heavy producer of bright red berries
Leaf Description : Mid-green, toothed foliage
Attraction : Birds
Blooms In : Summer

Leucothoe Scarletta
Leucothoe fontanesiana 'Scarletta'

Spreading evergreen. Deep purple, aging to green then to bronze smooth foliage. Good border, massing, hillside plant.
Spacing : 8' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Spreading evergreen
Item Usage : Good border, massing, hillside plant
Leaf Description : Deep purple, aging to green then to bronze smooth foliage
Blooms In : Late Spring - Early Summer

Vib Davidii
Viburnum davidii

Compact, mounding evergreen shrub. Deeply veined, dark green leaves. Excellent border, low hedge, accent plant.
Spacing : 4' To 6' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Compact, mounding evergreen shrub
Item Usage : Excellent border, low hedge, accent plant
Fruit Info : Ovoid, metallic-blue fruit
Leaf Description : Deeply veined, dark green leaves
Attraction : Wildlife
Blooms In : Late Spring

Barberry Orange Rocket
Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 'Orange Rocket'

Upright form. Rusty-orange foliage. Good accent, specimen plant.
Spacing : 3' Apart
Water Use : Regular water use
Form : Upright form
Item Usage : Good accent, specimen plant
Leaf Description : Rusty-orange foliage
Blooms In : April-May

Buddleia Buzz Magenta
Buddleia davidii 'Buzz Magenta'

Mounded. Narrow green lanceolate leaves. Massing,patios,containers,attracts butterflies&hummingbirds.
Spacing : 3' Apart
Water Use : Moderate - drought tolerant once established
Form : Mounded
Seasonal : Dwarf shrub blooms freely all summer
Item Usage : Massing,patios,containers,attracts butterflies&hummingbirds
Leaf Description : Narrow green lanceolate leaves
Attraction : Dwarf size,fragrant blooms all summer,attracts wildlife
Blooms In : Summer

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